What points to this is that the Mazatecs do not actually have a native name for the plant, and refer to it as “hojas de María Pastora”, translating into “leaves of Mary the shepherdess”. It is still not entirely clear, how far back the use of salvia among the native tribes goes. Since the plant is endemic only to a small region of Mexico, it could have well been missed by many indians. And those who lived in the area might have lost knowledge about it during the turbulent times of the spanish invasion. It remains a mystery whether the plant was without name only for the generation that Wasson encountered, or if the psychoactive powers of the plant indeed were unknown to previous generation as well.
Sage and Sages
Once my trip was over, I feel like I had seen and felt the worst of life, and with that I could continue onward. I now deeply respect this plant, and I am eager to learn more about its history and the science behind it. In this way, salvia also helped me to break down the barriers of fear that had kept me boxed in for a long time. At the time of writing this, I’m currently undiagnosed but have always known and acknowledge that I’m neurodivergent.
One dose would be as strong as the day before and the other could be anything from a placebo up to a dose as powerful as the one I experienced the day before. For Barrett, one of the most interesting neurological questions about salvia is how it interfaces with the claustrum. Agreed upon by all experienced psychedelic users is the need for an extra, sober person to stick around and take care of a person who is heavily tripping. Having that essential helper, known as a tripsitter or sitter, around is extremely important when one takes strong doses of Salvia or is new to Salvia, just like any other potent psychedelic. Having a designated trip sitter (a sober person who looks after people who have taken psychedelics) is recommended during a salvia trip to ensure your safety. After consuming salvia, you may become completely unaware of your surroundings, which makes moving around potentially dangerous if unattended.
Can Salvia Cause Ego Death?
In some places, salvia is a “legal high,” a recreational drug that does not fall under any of the government classifications of illegal drugs. People usually experience the most intense effects within 2 minutes after smoking. The researchers will soon begin a new trial to see how Salvinorin A truly compares therapuetically to popular hallucinogenic drugs, such as psilocybin and LSD.
The Most Potent Natural Hallucinogen
“Locals also call it hierba de Maria, the herb of Mary,” but this provides little insight into the religious use of salvia before the Spanish conquest of the 1500s brought Catholicism to the region. “These drugs are operating on completely different pathways,” Dr. Addy explained to his flock. Salvia also “leads to a kind of synesthesia the crossing salvia trip explained of senses so that stimulation of one provides a sensation in another I’ve never seen before in the literature,” he continued. As stated above, some people have peaceful, enlightening experiences. Some people, like me, have terrifying, existential-crisis-inducing experiences.
- I’ve had out of body experiences before, and in that, I was still aware of the presence of a body.
- Like the other “classic” psychedelics, it may provide a deep insight into the nature of consciousness or prove to be a potent medicine for a variety of psychiatric illnesses.
- Now, having had the experience, I feel better equipped to understand and interpret my problems and find solutions.
- As well as Salvia divinorum, other common species are Salvia officinalis, or common sage, and Salvia hispanica which produces edible Chia seeds.
A good sitter should monitor you, as well as the environment by removing any objects from the area that could cause harm. Ahead of my visit to Johns Hopkins, I asked about the dose strength I’d receive during the trial so that I could mentally prepare myself for the experience. Due to the study protocols, however, Barrett and his colleagues were unable to give me much information. All they could tell me was that I’d be smoking a “moderately high dose” of pure salvinorin A and that it couldn’t really be compared to the salvia extracts sold in smoke shops because it was the pure molecule, not plant matter. As the level’s name suggests, a person tripping at level three experiences light visions, aural and visual. These can be similar to the “mini-hallucinations” that are created by hypnagogic imagery, experienced by everyone before sleep.
Dopamine, like serotonin, is intimately involved with conscious thought and neurological function. Altering dopamine activity in certain parts of the brain leads to hallucinations and a shift in reality. It induces intense cartoon-like hallucinations and radical shifts in reality not experienced by any other psychedelic on Earth.
The lack of research on such a potent psychedelic is odd, especially because it is legal in many US states. Barrett said he thinks the lack of research on salvia likely has to do with the fact that salvia trips often suck. Tripsitters need to be extra alert when dealing with a person at level six, especially because the person can easily hurt or injure themselves without having a clue they did it or feeling any pain. At the same time, keeping a record of the events might be helpful in the future, since most times a user can’t remember the experience after it happened (if they were even aware during it). Since memory of the trip is lost and the trip isn’t considered enjoyable, most users, even heavy users, try to stick to level 5 as a maximum satisfactory trip. As horrifying as salvia is, it can teach a powerful lesson if you use it with respect.